Ultra Sonic Distance Measurment

A small project, I got from a client’s client. He need to for some application, what? I don’t know, I just made what he asked me to make, and he is happy. Anyway, so its based on HC-SR04 sensor, and whenever the measured distance is say 6 inches, an audio message gets played saying “less than 6 inches”, in total there are 4 messages, I want to make it open source, but just not yet. I learned quite a few things from this project, I got to use a voice IC (a huge benefit) I just didn’t had to worry about signal processing, it just worked, save a lot of development time as well. Next this was the first one which I enclosed properly so it looks somewhat like a product. I had to use two layers of circuit board again a first, turned out well. And yesterday the client’s client said they to measure 15 feet of distance, but the sensor is capable of measuring upto 400cm(around 13 feet) accurately, so now just need to find a new sensor with that spec and we’ll be back in business

Below are some build pictures

Shaped the PCB so it be fit snugly in the box using a dremel




Cut out where the sensor will be placed


Dry testing the fit



Started the top layer which carries the controller


Soldered the connectors which will transfer the signals between the boards


Top layer done


Testing the LCD and other functions


Watch the video after the break

Testing the distance measurement


Explaining the whole thing
