USB asp - USB AVR Programmer

I first AVR programmer was  a usb, I got in my 4sem of under grad, I knew nothing about uCs I knew what can be done using these, could not program on my own so I took the pleasure just by uploading sample programs and see the leds go on and off,also it had custom firmware in it that could not program m328p and tinys and it worked only with windows a big no no,so I contacted the maker and asked for support but got none, later I attended workshops that gave my a in depth view of these little uC and their actual power, along the workshop there were take away kits, in which I got a mega8 dev board, or break out board what I call it now, and serial programmer made with diodes and R and C and MAX232 for UART, I used it for a quite a long time, then one day Made many projects using it.

But the thought of what if it breaks down, what would I do, so seeing the worst case scenario I built my first and the most simplest programmer a parallel port programmer

But I wanted a it to work on laptops as well, so I found this amazingly simple and low cost programmer called the usbasp,built on a mega8, built it on a perf board, its not the prettiest but I works like a charm. And the awesome feeling when using it is just priceless.

[caption id=“attachment_513” align=“alignnone” width=“225”]usb asp usb asp[/caption]