Wish List
Here is my wish list,
Stuff from Seeed Studio
- 2Km longrange ASK
- 802.11b/g/n Wifi USB adapter for RPi
- ATX breakout board
- Mni DDS function Generator
- Peltier Plate
- GPS receiver
- Rack and pinion
- MOC 7811 encoder sensor
- Accelerometer
- Sher for cutting PCB
- SMD component tester
- Thermal Printer
Big stuff
- Oscilloscope
- Laser Cutter (in transit)
- 3D printer (in transit)
- 3D scanner (in transit)
- Hot air SMD rework station
- Microscope
- Laminator
- Laser printer
- One more Component Organizer
- 1Kw Spindle and inverter
- Air compressor
- Table Saw
- Quality drill bits
Other bits
- Mooshimeter