
TEDx Gateway Experience

Two installations for TEDx gateway at Mumbai on 2-Nov-2014 made at makers asylum. First was the drawing bot and other was a piano ...

Internet of Things Vending Machine

I developed the control system for a internet connected vending machine, and also designed the mechanical structure and the vendin...

Arduino based Waveform Generator

New Tool- Waveform Generator Finally, after sitting in the TODO list for a long time, I’ve made a basic wavefrom generator b...

Read serial data without PC on GLCD

New Tool added to workshop I’m calling it GLCDTerm(spin-off from GTKTerm), this handy tool reads TTL serial data and display...

Floor Piano This project was made for interactive exhibit in Delhi. The concept is people would ha...

Arduino + Bluetooth

I got to use HC-05 very popular bluetooth serial device, getting it up was pretty simple, also wrote my first android app I made t...

Prototyping Theremin

I always wanted to make a theremin, but instead of using capacitors I used a LDR there is no volume control right now, so just the...

Arduino Square Wave generator

Update: I found this, its much more elegant than what I made, kudos to you guys, Next stop a bad ass waveform generator!! I’...

Binary Clock

I always wanted to make a clock, I have many instrustables bookmarks I finally settled on one, the binary, built on arduino, and n...