Lately I did 3 GSM based projects, below are the details Speed control of stepper motor using GSM Home au...
This is a platform created for communication, between two stations, the application is used in remote sensing, eg. in environme...
I found this nice project, that can serve as a grea...
Store an image in an audio file, this is done by the use of wavelets. Here is the ...
I had two 8x8 LED matrix lying around and a tiny2313, hoping one day I’d experiment with them, I came across a ...
I made a laptop stand made out of a strip of mdf and two supports, it basically lifts the laptop a bit so as to give it some ro...
I made this for my nephew on his 10th birthday All the details of the project are ...
Finally after days of tinkering finally got mega8 running on internal oscillator with arduino bootloader. I use arduino ...
\# Fuse atmega8 high byte HFUSE: # 0xc9 = 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 <-- BOOTRST (boot reset vector at 0x0000) #...
On the quest to make my own oscilloscope and logic analyser using KST Planning to make a gui that will read the serial port and...