
This is one of the many reason I love Linux. My desktop was acting up since a couple of days. I finally found I was having bad ...

If you use Linux, with wireless mouse which has a on/off switch, which you forget to switch off while going home,this is what y...
General keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + A = Select all Ctrl + C = Copy the highlighted content to clipboard Ctr...
I found out how to do this recently and thought it might be helpful to some people. To output this information to a file in you...
One way would be to create a small bash script that will kick off those programs, then create a startup script that calls it vi...
LYX: sudo apt-get install texlive-publishers sudo apt-get install texlive-science Miscellaneous ...
Remove partial packages, unused dependences, orphaned packag...
Manually There are various locations in GNU/Linux in which fonts can be kept. These locations are define...
Email to Ubuntu One Support: “I cannot sign in using existing account,when I enter sign in details, it shows authe...