Arduino is an amazing platform, it has really lower the technical difficulty of the setup required to compile and upload code a...
When people from completely different background come together and make something the results are always spectacular. Fe...

Some years ago, I saw this dance by collaboration between Akiba and Wr...

Introduction You need to worry about this if your arduino is going to be powered for more than 49 da...

I worked on an Arduino project recently, it was working fine on the bench, but in field it was having erratic behaviour of hang...

Mix together the awesome powers of Sublime Text and Arduino, you get super flexible work environment and won’t have sore ...

I wanted to control a camera flash by sending signals from micro controller. This was for a project that would trigger the flas...

For projects that uses low IO count and/or need to fit in a tight space, you can use the attiny on arduino. This let you forgot...

TL;DR Drop Redbull can in the arcade machine and play game. Folks at Red bull wanted to bring in the retro gaming...
The beginnings We were celebrating Arduino day at the asylum, While having lunch with ...