Binary Clock
I always wanted to make a clock, I have many instrustables bookmarks I finally settled on one, the binary, built on arduino, and not special rtc, just good ol’ delay gets the job done. This was my first battery powered project and I got to know much about power consumption and about batteries and I finally understood the concept of mAh, so was all set and kept the clock on as I left office and found it was dead by morning, so using 9v battery which has about 300-400mAh, running leds and 7805 regulator was a mistake so 2AA with no regulator does the job.
Its in HH:MM format 
Crystal Oscillator tester - Black Electronics - Jan 0, 2015
\[…\]used to test on a board I made for LED binary clock, I replaced the crystal with a female burg strip so I can insert crystals, board has a mega328