
Open Source PCB ruler - Update 2

Finally I received the rulers, they are still panellized, I’ve asked a hardware store to get me a tool to cut it which will ...

Prototyping Theremin

I always wanted to make a theremin, but instead of using capacitors I used a LDR there is no volume control right now, so just the...

Open Soruce PCB ruler-update

After fixing small issues with the pcb , I’ve sent the PCB for manufacturing to SeeedStudio and hopefully will receive in ti...

Wish List

Here is my wish list, Stuff from Seeed Studio 2Km longrange ASK 802.11b/g/n Wifi USB adapter for RPi ATX breakout board Mni DDS fu...

2mm headers to 2.5mm header

2mm header (SEO shenanigans) Its a simple hack to use boards with 2mm spacing headers with the usual 2.5mm headers, the pictures a...

Open Source PCB Ruler

I’ve seen rulers from adafruit and EEV blog but I could not find the source files, so I could atleast print it out for my re...

Antenna Design Paper for low power wireless RF modules

I’ve been working on a project of building wireless sensor network, and the information on the antenna design is very limite...

Ultra Sonic Distance Measurment

A small project, I got from a client’s client. He need to for some application, what? I don’t know, I just made what h...

Places to go shopping [INDIA]

NSK Electronics, Bangalore NSK electronics,S.P Road, Bangalore is the most famous and most heard among the circle, They provide al...

PWM to analog voltage

Read this to brush up your concepts of PWM. This is diagram from Arduino site. Using this technique you can get the desired &ldquo...