Control Camera flash using TTL signals

I wanted to control a camera flash by sending signals from micro controller. This was for a project that would trigger the flas...

ATTiny on Arduino

For projects that uses low IO count and/or need to fit in a tight space, you can use the attiny on arduino. This let you forgot...

Interactive Carpet

Couple of month ago I was commissioned to build an interactive carpet for kids prototype. The concept was a carpet with cute an...

Red Bull Arcade Machine-Dubai

TL;DR Drop Redbull can in the arcade machine and play game. Folks at Red bull wanted to bring in the retro gaming...

Xbox 360 Power Supply Mod

Background I had to purchase two Xbox360 for use in an installation. I purchased one for experimenting...

C3PO Robot - Build log

The beginnings We were celebrating Arduino day at the asylum, While having lunch with ...

Check bad sectors on Linux

This is one of the many reason I love Linux. My desktop was acting up since a couple of days. I finally found I was having bad ...

Raspberry Pi Proto HAT

Proto Hat Documentation This proto HAT (Hardware Attached on Top) is compatible with Rasp...

Crystal Oscillator tester

About a year ago, while working on a project dealing in cc2500 wireless communication, It was a pretty simple system, one trans...

A year of Making[2014]

Year 2014 Makes MakerFest The year of Making started with the first Maker...