
Mix together the awesome powers of Sublime Text and Arduino, you get super flexible work environment and won’t have sore ...

I wanted to control a camera flash by sending signals from micro controller. This was for a project that would trigger the flas...

Couple of month ago I was commissioned to build an interactive carpet for kids prototype. The concept was a carpet with cute an...

TL;DR Drop Redbull can in the arcade machine and play game. Folks at Red bull wanted to bring in the retro gaming...

Background I had to purchase two Xbox360 for use in an installation. I purchased one for experimenting...
The beginnings We were celebrating Arduino day at the asylum, While having lunch with ...

Proto Hat Documentation This proto HAT (Hardware Attached on Top) is compatible with Rasp...

About a year ago, while working on a project dealing in cc2500 wireless communication, It was a pretty simple system, one trans...
Year 2014 Makes MakerFest The year of Making started with the first Maker...

Reference for using bus pirate Well the best place to use the bus pirate is its aw...