ATmega8 Fuses reference

\# Fuse atmega8 high byte HFUSE: # 0xc9 = 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 <-- BOOTRST (boot reset vector at 0x0000) #...

DIY osciloscope and Logic analyser

On the quest to make my own oscilloscope and logic analyser using KST Planning to make a gui that will read the serial port and...

Bread Board Power Supply

This is a nice little nifty circuit that has a power jack, 7805 regulator ,two capacitors and connector. It send the input pow...

Binary Clock

I always wanted to make a clock, I have many instrustables bookmarks I finally settled on one, the binary, built on arduino, an...

USB asp - USB AVR Programmer

I first AVR programmer was a usb, I got in my 4sem of under grad, I knew nothing about uCs I knew what can be done using these...

[SOLVED]Microphone crisis

I had to talk on skype, Requirments Internet : check Skype installed : check Speakers : check Mic : not available...

Ubuntu ShortCut keys

General keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + A = Select all Ctrl + C = Copy the highlighted content to clipboard Ctr...

First Encounter with Inductive Sensor

Operating Principles for Inductive Proximity Sensors Inducti...

Perf Board Layout

Extremely useful for prototyping small circuits, get the PDF here. ...

List all installed Packages

I found out how to do this recently and thought it might be helpful to some people. To output this information to a file in you...